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Design Considerations for 3D Printing in 2023

Design Considerations for 3D Printing
Design Considerations for 3D Printing - Image by Pluralsight

3D printing, also known as additive manufacturing, has rapidly emerged as a groundbreaking technology that is revolutionizing industries and changing the way we create and manufacture objects. From rapid prototyping to customized consumer products, 3D printing has introduced a new realm of possibilities. However, to harness the full potential of this technology, it's essential to understand the key design considerations for 3D printing. In this detailed blog post, we'll explore the critical factors to keep in mind when designing for 3D printing.

The Foundation of 3D Printing

Before we dive into the design considerations, let's briefly revisit the fundamental principles of 3D printing.

Additive Manufacturing:

3D printing involves the process of creating a three-dimensional object by adding material layer by layer. This is in stark contrast to subtractive manufacturing, where material is removed to achieve the desired shape. Key 3D printing processes include Fused Deposition Modelling (FDM), Stereolithography (SLA), Selective Laser Sintering (SLS), and others.

3D Printing Process
3D Printing Process - Image by Fabheads

Design Software:

Designing for 3D printing starts with creating a 3D model. Various software tools are available, ranging from beginner-friendly options like Tinkercad to professional software such as SolidWorks and AutoCAD. The choice of software depends on your design complexity and expertise.

3D Design Software
3D Design Software - Image by 3Dnatives

Design Considerations for 3D Printing

Now, let's delve into the critical design considerations for 3D printing:

Geometric Complexity:

Geometric complexity is a central concept in 3D printing that provides designers with the freedom to push the boundaries of what is physically possible. The technology's ability to build layer upon layer enables the creation of intricate and organic shapes, complex lattice structures, and designs that were previously unimaginable. This unique feature of 3D printing has given rise to innovative applications across various fields, from aerospace and architecture to healthcare and fashion. However, it's crucial to strike a balance between complexity and practicality. While 3D printers can handle intricate designs, excessive geometric complexity can lead to longer print times, higher material consumption, and potential challenges during post-processing. Therefore, designers must carefully evaluate the intended purpose of their 3D prints and optimize the geometric complexity to achieve the desired balance between form and function, making the most of the technology's creative potential.

3D Geometric Complexity
3D Geometric Complexity - Image by 3Dnatives

Moreover, geometric complexity in 3D printing also plays a crucial role in the optimization of structural integrity and weight reduction. By utilizing organic and generative design techniques, engineers can create components and structures with precisely distributed material, reducing unnecessary weight while maintaining strength. In industries like aerospace and automotive, this can translate to significant improvements in fuel efficiency and overall performance. Furthermore, in the medical field, customized implants and prosthetics are benefiting from geometric complexity, as patient-specific designs ensure a perfect fit and enhanced functionality. As 3D printing technology continues to evolve, designers and engineers are pushing the boundaries of what can be achieved, and geometric complexity stands as a fundamental aspect of this ongoing exploration and innovation.

3D Geometric Complexity
3D Geometric Complexity - Image by 3Dnatives

Support Structures:

Support structures are an essential consideration in 3D printing, especially for processes like Fused Deposition Modelling (FDM) and Stereolithography (SLA). These structures serve a critical purpose in ensuring the successful printing of overhangs, bridges, and other challenging features. When designing for 3D printing, one must carefully consider the placement of support structures to minimize their impact on the final object. Well-planned supports can significantly reduce post-processing work, as they help prevent deformations and maintain the integrity of the design. Designers can often control support placement in slicing software, allowing them to strike a balance between stability and ease of removal. Furthermore, they should consider the density of supports, as excessive support material can lead to increased print time and material waste.

3D Printing Support Structures
3D Printing Support Structures - Image by 3DSculpLab

In some cases, strategic support structure design can also be an art form. By creatively orienting supports, designers can minimize the aesthetic impact on the visible parts of the printed object. This is particularly crucial for objects where surface finish is a significant consideration, such as art pieces, consumer products, or prototypes intended for presentation. Additionally, some advanced 3D printers and software packages offer the option to generate custom or tree-like support structures, further optimizing the balance between structural necessity and post-processing convenience. As 3D printing technology advances, designers are continuously exploring innovative ways to minimize the impact of support structures, allowing for more aesthetically pleasing and efficiently produced objects.

Material Selection:

Material selection in 3D printing is a critical decision that directly impacts the functionality, durability, and appearance of the printed object. With the wide variety of materials available, it's essential to consider the specific requirements of your project. Plastics like PLA and ABS are popular choices for their ease of use and versatility, making them suitable for a broad range of applications. On the other hand, engineering-grade materials like PETG, Nylon, and polycarbonate offer enhanced mechanical properties and are commonly used in functional prototypes and parts. If strength and rigidity are paramount, materials like carbon fibre-reinforced composites or metals like aluminium, stainless steel, and titanium provide exceptional structural integrity, making them ideal for applications in aerospace, automotive, and industrial engineering. Biocompatible materials are essential in the medical field for applications such as creating custom implants or prosthetics. Furthermore, flexible and elastomeric materials, such as TPU, open up opportunities for creating soft and rubber-like objects, while ceramics and food-safe materials are suitable for specialized applications like pottery or culinary tools.

3D Printing Materials Range
3D Printing Materials Range - Image by 3Dnatives

The properties of 3D printing materials extend beyond just their mechanical characteristics. Factors like heat resistance, chemical compatibility, and electrical conductivity can be crucial in certain applications. Moreover, material considerations often include aesthetic aspects like color, texture, and post-processing potential. Advances in material science continue to expand the possibilities for 3D printing, introducing innovative materials that can conduct electricity, change color or transparency, and even incorporate biological matter for tissue engineering. This dynamic landscape underscores the importance of staying up-to-date with the latest materials to ensure that you're making the most informed choices when designing for 3D printing. Your material selection can truly make or break the success of your project, so it's vital to weigh all these factors and choose wisely to meet your specific design and application requirements.

3D Printing Materials Range
3D Printing Materials Range

Wall Thickness:

Wall thickness is another crucial design consideration in 3D printing that also directly affects the structural integrity and overall quality of the printed object. The appropriate wall thickness depends on various factors, including the chosen 3D printing technology, material properties, and the object's intended use. Insufficient wall thickness can lead to a fragile and easily deformable print, while excessive thickness may result in unnecessary weight, longer print times, and material waste. It's essential to find the right balance that aligns with the requirements of your project.

3D Printing Wall Thickness
3D Printing Wall Thickness - Image by Cults3D

In Fused Deposition Modelling (FDM), for instance, the minimum recommended wall thickness often varies based on the nozzle diameter of the 3D printer. Smaller nozzles allow for finer details and thinner walls, while larger nozzles require thicker walls for structural stability. On the other hand, Stereolithography (SLA) and Selective Laser Sintering (SLS) can produce thinner walls with precision due to their layering techniques. When designing for 3D printing, it's essential to consult the printer's specifications and consider the intended application. For aesthetic models or prototypes, thinner walls may be suitable, whereas functional parts may require thicker walls for strength and durability. Ultimately, optimizing wall thickness is a balance between meeting structural needs, preserving print quality, and minimizing material consumption. Designers should thoroughly understand these principles to create 3D printed objects that excel in both form and function.

Overhangs and Angles

Considerations for overhangs are paramount in 3D printing, especially for Fused Deposition Modelling (FDM) and Stereolithography (SLA) processes. Overhangs are portions of a design that extend horizontally without support beneath them during the printing process. As the printer deposits material layer by layer, it needs a foundation to anchor onto. Without support structures, overhangs can sag or fail, resulting in print defects. To address this, designers often strategically orient their objects to minimize overhangs, thus reducing the reliance on support structures. This design approach not only enhances the print quality but also expedites the post-processing phase.

3D Printing Overhangs & Angles
3D Printing Overhangs & Angles - Image by ResearchGate

When overhangs are unavoidable, support structures become essential. These temporary scaffolds, generated either manually or automatically in slicing software, provide the necessary foundation for overhangs to be printed accurately. The key is to design supports that are easily removable and do not leave unsightly marks or require excessive post-processing. Creative use of support structures can also optimize the balance between structural stability and the aesthetics of the final product. Overhang considerations are particularly critical in industries where intricate and detailed designs are essential, such as architecture, jewelry, and consumer product manufacturing. Understanding how to design with overhangs and when to use supports is pivotal for achieving exceptional 3D printed results.

3D Printing Overhangs & Angles
3D Printing Overhangs & Angles

Size and Scale

Size & scale can significantly impact the feasibility, print quality, and functionality of the final object. The 3D printing process is inherently limited by the build volume of the printer. This means that if your design exceeds the available print area, you'll need to split it into smaller, printable sections that can be assembled later. This is a common approach for creating large objects or those with intricate details that would be challenging to produce in one piece. For example, in architectural models, designers often break down the building into smaller components that are printed individually and assembled to create the complete structure. It's essential to plan the assembly process to ensure proper alignment and structural integrity.

On the other end of the spectrum, working with very small objects requires meticulous attention to detail. Fine details may be lost or compromised if the printer's resolution isn't appropriate for the object's size. Additionally, the choice of printing technology matters – some, like SLA, are better suited for achieving intricate small-scale prints. Overall, size and scale considerations are closely tied to the capabilities and limitations of your 3D printer. Whether you're creating life-sized props or intricate miniatures, understanding the printer's build volume and capabilities is critical to achieving the desired results. Careful planning, proper scaling, and, if necessary, intelligent design for assembly, are essential for optimizing the size and scale of your 3D printed objects.

Tolerances and Clearances

When designing for 3D printing, tolerances and clearances are critical considerations, particularly for functional parts that require precise fits or assemblies. Tolerances refer to the permissible variation in dimensions, while clearances represent the space between mating parts. In 3D printing, achieving the perfect fit can be challenging due to factors like material shrinkage, printer accuracy, and post-processing effects. Therefore, designers must carefully plan tolerances and clearances to ensure parts fit together smoothly.

3D Printing Tolerances
3D Printing Tolerances - Image by 3DHubs

A "press fit" or "snap fit" assembly may require a tight tolerance to ensure a snug connection, while a "slip fit" may necessitate a looser tolerance for easier assembly. Additionally, when designing parts with clearances, it's crucial to consider factors such as thermal expansion, material properties, and intended usage. For example, if designing an articulated mechanical joint, you'll need to account for both the clearance necessary for parts to move smoothly and the tolerances that maintain a snug fit. The choice of materials also plays a role, as some materials may exhibit more significant thermal expansion than others. Moreover, it's worth noting that the precision of your 3D printer's movement system and the layer height can impact the accuracy of the printed parts, further emphasizing the importance of understanding and planning tolerances and clearances effectively.

3D Printing Clearances
3D Printing Clearances - Image by Cults3D


While 3D printing offers the advantage of creating intricate shapes, it often requires post-processing to achieve a polished and functional product. Plan for sanding, painting, or additional assembly, depending on your project's requirements.


3D printing is an exciting and transformative technology that has the potential to revolutionize the way we create, manufacture, and innovate. Understanding and implementing these design considerations will empower you to make the most of 3D printing, allowing you to bring your ideas to life with precision and purpose. Whether you're a hobbyist, engineer, or entrepreneur, these principles will help you design and produce remarkable 3D printed objects that meet your goals and objectives. With careful planning and thoughtful design, the possibilities are limitless in the world of 3D printing.

At Additive Hub, we provide DfAM services (Design for Additive Manufacturing Services), so feel free to get in touch with our expert engineers to discuss your 3D Printing project.

Thanks for reading and stay tuned for more upcoming posts!


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